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Serrated Flange Nut DIN 6923

Stainless Steel A2

Fine Thread

SKU: 00-NF-Fine-SR-SS
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Detail & Specs

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Stainless Steel / Serrated, Fine DIN 6923 Flange Nut
The serrations on the bottom of this flange nut provide a locking action, digging into the parent material when tightened down and able to withstand extreme vibrations without loosening.

Serrated flange nuts are meant to permanently mar the material they are installed against.

The flanged form acts as a built-in washer to evenly distribute force over a larger area. Also known as hex nut with integrated washer. 

Stainless flange nuts are commonly used in damp environments for corrosion resistance, popular across a wide range of industries: automotive, agriculture, food processing, clean energy, etc.

For any application involving marine (salt water), use A4 / 316 Stainless Steel material, available as a special order.

Special Order Variations

Additional Sizes: M16
Additional Materials: A4 Stainless Steel