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Fender Washer Oversized

Stainless Steel A2


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Detail & Specs

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Metric Stainless Steel Fender Washer, Multiple Outer Diameters
Car body style washers are available in a range of less common outer diameters per bolt size.

Use on oversized holes to distribute the load of the fastener over a wider area. Washers also provide a smooth bearing surface against the work surface, protecting it and preventing damage.

Stainless steel washers are commonly used in damp environments. They are popular across a wide range of industries: automotive, agriculture, architectural, sanitation, food processing, clean energy, etc.

For any application involving marine (salt water), use A4 / 316 Stainless Steel washers.
Also known as large series car body, penny washers or mud guard washer.

Special Order Variations
Additional outer diameters and thicknesses available
Additional Materials: A4 / 316 Stainless Steel