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Left Hand, Reverse

Plug Tap

M5 - M16


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Detail & Specs

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LEFT HAND Reverse Thread Taps

Reverse or "left hand" threads are used in applications where the continuous rotation of an assembly would cause a standard right-hand threaded fastener to unscrew while a left-hand fastener would remain securely in place.

TAPS Metric counterclockwise hand taps are used to repair / chase threading or cut new threads inside of a hole. These taps are good for general purpose applications, use with ferrous (incl. cast iron) and non-ferrous materials, plastic.

The top / starting point of a plug tap has tapered cutting edges for aligning with an existing hole or beginning a new hole. Up to 5 threads are tapered before reaching full height for the remaining length of the tap.

Premium quality, made from HSS high-speed steel, square drive shank.

Also known as second cut straight tap or ground thread intermediate finish tap, plug chamfer tap with straight flute.